Thursday, July 9, 2015

Life Change is in Order

Well after talking to a natropathic doctor, the resolution is to cut out all forms of sugar - I am losing weight extremely slowly - a pound a month on a low caloric diet - but it is not working for me and I need to get down quicker for the sake of my diabetic issues and the core body issue I have.
So Sugar free
No more fried foods
Corn and Potatoes are gone
Breads - outta here
wheat and rice - Done for!
This is going to take a whole change - bigger than the year and a half that I was gluten free. But at this point in my life I am more than willing to do this.
I will be missing out on some of my favorite foods ( I will find new favorites)  but I miss my health even greater.
I can do this and stay with it.

I hope to become an encourager for others who need to change their lifestyle and an example that it can be done.
I want to appreciate my body and I want to change the way I feel.
I got this!

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up. Love your transformation mentally as well as physically!
